GhazzyTV's Absolution Necromancer PoB, Passive Skill Tree & Gem Links (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)



Important PoB Notes

All my guides use Path of Building. We have a simple guide for you that shows how to import my build into Path of Building, you can find the guide here

End Game PoB & Passive Skill Tree

Seeing as this build can very well be played without the need of Doryani's Prototype Doryani's Prototype the guide itself will entirely be focused around that approach mostly because it is WAY more budget friendly but I will leave a medium & high budget PoB utilizing this . Do remember that if you decide to run the Prototype you’ll need to cap your Fire & Cold resistances and get as much negative lightning resistance as possible (capped at -200%) this can be achieved from a variety of items, for instance the Ventor's Gamble Ventor's Gamble . Since the removal of scourge, it has become harder to achieve a massive amount of negative lightning resistance, and we are instead forced to do this via uniques, thereby putting more pressure on defensive stats such as life and resistances to your other elements. You also need to make sure to stack your Physical mitigation up to make up for the lack of lightning resistance. This results in you only having issues with lightning DoT situations such as the Lightning Elder guardian or Baran influenced maps to mention a couple of the very rare lightning DoT’s that exist in the game.

Here you’ll find the low budget PoB for the build:

For the bigger versions you can check out the medium as well as the high budget variants within this PoB: please do note that there’s a bit of information regarding the Medium Budget version in the “notes” section of this PoB.

Once the skill tree is finished, focus entirely on more jewel sockets or cluster jewels if you can afford it.

Leveling Progression

See attached PoB


A lot of the masteries available come down to a matter of personal preference but some are more or less mandatory.

Life Mastery: It’s important to pick up the “+50 to maximum life.” This mastery should be picked up as soon as possible, as it scales with any increases to life you pick up on the tree.
Minion Offence Mastery: “20% increased effect of Offerings” Since one of our defensive scaling layers is in the form of block via Bone Offering we’ll need this mastery to further scale that.
Minion Offence Mastery: “Minions penetrate 8% of cursed enemies’ elemental resistances” is a very solid choice for this build to further scale our Absolution sentinels damage.
Minion Offence Mastery: “Minions have 30% increased Area of Effect” Simple self-explanatory clear speed increase.
Minion Defensive Mastery: “Convocation has 40% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate” Helps speed up map-clearing.
Shield Mastery: “+1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield” A must have to reach our block-caps!
Reservation Mastery: “Auras from your skills have 10% increased effect on you” This scales our defensive auras.

Amulet Anointment

In my opinion there’s really only one solid option to oil for this build, that is the Gravepact node, this requires the following oils: 1x Azure Oil Azure Oil & 2x Black Oil Black Oil

End Game Gem Links

6-Link Absolution

For smoother clearing it is strongly recommended to switch the Predator for Minion Speed or Feeding Frenzy to gain a slightly better clearing speed.

  1. Absolution Absolution (There is an error with this gem, THIS IS A RED GEM )
  2. Spell Echo Support Spell Echo Support
  3. Physical to Lightning Support Physical to Lightning Support
  4. Minion Damage Support Minion Damage Support
  5. Lightning Penetration Support Lightning Penetration Support
  6. Predator Support Predator Support Switch this for Feeding Frenzy Support Feeding Frenzy Support or Minion Speed Support Minion Speed Support when clearing

2-Link Trigger + 1S Aura

Since we only need to trigger 2 of the abilities we will use the third slot as an aura as it is unaffected by the trigger modifier.

  1. Desecrate Desecrate (Level 1)
  2. Bone Offering Bone Offering

#Determination Determination

3-Link Arcanist Brand

We’ll be using Arcanist Brand to automatically cast 2 other spells to avoid having multiple key-binds that needs timing, we can instead pre-cast the Brand on the ground before a boss becomes attackable.

  1. Arcanist Brand Arcanist Brand
  2. Vortex Vortex (Level 1)
  3. Conductivity Conductivity

4-Link Utility Minions

These minions are here to buff your damage output the best way possible.

  1. Summon Stone Golem Summon Stone Golem
  2. Raise Spectre Raise Spectre
  3. Animate Guardian Animate Guardian
  4. Meat Shield Support Meat Shield Support

For the spectres and Animate Guardian, I have a separate page you can find here

2-Link Aura

Simple aura set-up with Generosity

  1. Generosity Support Generosity Support
  2. Zealotry Zealotry

1-Socket Mobility

  1. Flame Dash Flame Dash

1-Socket Utility

  1. Convocation Convocation

2-Link Feeding Frenzy Zombies

Utility minions providing both offensive & defensive scaling for your build:

  1. Raise Zombie Raise Zombie
  2. Feeding Frenzy Support Feeding Frenzy Support

2-Link Auras

  1. Tempest Shield Tempest Shield
  2. Defiance Banner Defiance Banner

Main Page TL;DR


  • Build is now updated for 3.22

  • 3.21 Crucible, added Animate Guardian and Spectre page

  • 3.20 The Forbidden Sanctum Changelog .2* Updated PoB's for all higher budgets mistakenly having 2x Melding of the Flesh, this is now fixed

  • 3.20 The Forbidden Sanctum Changelog* PoB update(s) * Changed Assassin's Mark for Conducvity for the low budget * Changed gearing in the high budget PoB to not include lake of kalandra gearing

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